Zbijaj zdrowotne kokosy z BEAK BEAK!

Kokos to owoc pochodzący z Azji. Współcześnie jest gatunkiem rozpowszechnionym w całej strefie międzyzwrotnikowej. Pierwotna nazwa palmy kokosowej (kalpa wryksza) - oznacza „drzewo, które zaspokaja wszystkie potrzeby życia” – nie bez powodu.


This nut owes its health benefits primarily to a rarely encountered group of fatty acids. These are not the same saturated fatty acids found in most animal products, which contribute to raised cholesterol levels and the development of atherosclerosis. The saturated fatty acids contained in coconut are medium-chain triglycerides, which are metabolized in a completely different way. Because their molecules are smaller, their metabolism is faster. As a result, they are not stored as reserve material but serve as a quickly accessible energy source. People on a weight loss diet take advantage of this property of coconuts.

Coconut flesh is rich in fiber, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus, as well as folic acid. Therefore, it can help reduce blood pressure, prevent tooth decay, and fight thrush. All this is thanks to the coconut oil it contains, which, in contact with saliva, prevents bacteria that cause tooth decay from adhering and settling, and thus their proliferation in the oral cavity. The oil contained in coconut flesh can be as effective as chemical mouthwashes. Moreover, this oil combats the yeast Candida albicans, which is the cause of oral thrush. Many people treat coconut similarly to garlic or honey as a natural antibiotic, as some of its constituents can fight staphylococcus, and even deal with the herpes, measles, and flu viruses. Coconut in our diet strengthens the immune system, regulates the functioning of the digestive system, supports brain function, and positively affects the appearance of skin and nails. So, what are you waiting for? Include nuts from the palm tree in your diet!

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