We chirped bread again

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We have been operating in the baking industry for over 20 years and have baked tons of bread, rolls, buns, donuts and cakes. We were proud of some of them, a little less of others... What does good bread mean? Sourdough? Well baked with a crispy crust? Natural and straight from the oven? How many people, so many answers - each of you will have your own definition. And observing the changing nutritional trends and the growing awareness of healthy eating, we decided that we needed to reinvent the wheel!

And that's how Beak Beak was born

Bread without flour and yeast, rich in fiber, based on cereal grains, groats, rice, flakes, grains, dried fruits, nuts and dried fruits, without preservatives, improvers and artificial colors. We guarantee that you will read and pronounce all the ingredients of our bread without any problems.

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For whom?

Beak Beak bread is dedicated to all those who are physically active, lead a healthy lifestyle and consciously choose food products, reaching for what is most valuable in nature. We deeply believe that thanks to our products we will change standard eating habits so as to step by step improve the quality of life of all our customers.

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Free Shipping to start

Buy 3 large or 6 small packages and we will give you bread for free.

Don't delay - order today.

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